
Trinity Institute of Professional Studies, in collaboration with ICT Academy conducted 100 hours Value Added courses on Microsoft Data Analyst Associate (DA -100) from 21st February 2023 to 7th March 2023 for BCA final year students. The inauguration ceremony for establishment of Centre of Excellence for Youth Empowerment, a CSR initiative sponsored by Honeywell, implemented by ICT Academy is solemnized on 21st Feb, 2023 at Trinity Institute of Professional Studies, Dwarka.The inaugural ceremony was graced by the presence of Mr. Abhinandan Pandey, Head of ICT Academy, Delhi- NCR as Chief Guest, Mr. Azaz Yusouf, Relationship Manager- ICT Academy, Dr. R.K. Tandon, Chairman, TIPS, (Prof.) Dr. Ashutosh Agarwal, Director, TIPS, Dr. Mukta Sharma Head of the department of CS and IT and many other dignitaries. The trainer of the course Adil Yusouf, Senior Technical Trainer, ICT Academy, was introduced to the attendees and was one of the distinguished guests in the ceremony. Wide range of topics were covered in the course, including Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI, as well as many others related to Microsoft Power Platform. Students were taught an array of industry-relevant skills throughout the program which would eventually help them with their professional career.
The overview of the sessions, the entire course was divided into three stages.
The initial sessions focused on the introduction and overview of Microsoft Data Analytics. An introduction to the role and tasks of a data analyst was also provided in these sessions. This was followed by an Introduction of Power BI, its various building blocks, and a demonstration on usage of this tool. The first assessment was conducted on 23rd Feb, the exam was conducted in collaboration with Amcat (Aspiring Mind Computer Adaptive Test) and students were assessed based on Logical, Aptitude, Power BI, and many more.Focus in the following sessions were on preparation of data for analytics and getting data in Power BI. This included collection of data from various sources and through various channels and services in first step. In the next step, an introduction to strategies for selection of storage mode for the data, along with details of steps in fixing performance issues and fixing errors related to data import, was provided. This was followed by a lab session on preparing data for Power BI Desktop. In the next session students learnt about the process of cleaning and transformation of data along with the process of loading of Data in Power BI (including lab session on the same topic). For the next three sessions, this course focused on modelling data in Power BI. First of these was dedicated to designing a data model in Power BI. Second session was an Introduction to creating measures using DAX in Power BI and the theme for third of these sessions was optimization of model for performance in Power BI. Next four sessions were on the topic: “Visualization of Data in Power BI”. These included sessions on Working with Power BI visuals, Creation of a data-driven story with Power BI reports, Creation of dashboards in Power BI and creation of paginated reports. All of these sessions also included lab work on these topics.
Two sessions were thereafter conducted on Data analysis in Power BI. Focus area for first session was Perform analytics in Power BI and for the second session was working with AI visuals in Power BI, which included a lab session on data analysis in Power BI Desktop. Last three sessions for the course were on management of workspaces and datasets in Power BI. Creation and management of workspaces in Power BI was the focus area for first of these sessions. For the second one, it was Management of datasets in Power BI and the last session was on Implementation of row-level security. Within the context of this course, an app creation assignment was given to students along with a mid-course assessment to gauge their progress. An assessment test was administered at the end of the course for each student, on 7th March 2023. In recognition of the successful completion of the course, certificates were awarded to the participants. In order to qualify for certification, students were required to attend all the sessions.
At the end of this course, a closing ceremony was organized in the Lab and was attended by HoD Dr. Mukta Sharma, Faculty In charges, eminent speakers and students. Ms. Neha from the CS & IT Department delivered Vote of Thanks. Special thanks were accorded by the ICT Academy to the management, Faculty and staff members of TIPS for providing enabling facilities and a conducive environment for conduct of this course.
As it is clear from the reviews received from the students that this course was not only a one way flow of information but a holistic learning experience which included not only lectures but also Q&A sessions, lab works, practical assignments and multi stage evaluation. Using business analytics is an effective means of making decisions and planning business strategies in today's world. A vast amount of data is generated by organizations across a variety of industries these days. In light of this, it has become more important than ever to have professionals who are proficient in data analysis, interpretation, and interpretation. Therefore, this course conducted by the institute will not only help students to sharpen up their skills but will also help them in their professional careers in a myriad of ways.

Professional Week
The CS & IT department of Trinity Institute of Professional Studies organized a five day long Professional Week for the BCA students w.e.f. 19/09/2022 to 23rd September 2022. Expert trainers from the IT industry, IT professionals, well-known academicians, cyber security experts, reputed psychologist, alumni entrepreneurs of the institute, were the resource persons in the various sessions of the professional week. In addition there was also a Placement Assessment Test (PAT) for the students as part of the activities Read more
A session on the topic “Professional Ethics & Code of Conduct” was organized for all the staff and faculty members of Trinity Institute of Professional Studies at Room#002. The speaker of the session was Dr. Barkha Bahl, Director, TIPS, Dwarka.
The main highlights of the day’s session were as under:
Organizational professional work ethics.
Healthy working environment and professional behavior.
Organizational structure/hierarchy.
Quality work output/efficiency/responsibility/adaptability.
Code of Conduct
Team work/transparency/ positive attitude/ motivation.
The session started with a warm welcome note followed by the introduction of the new joinees to the TIPS family by the speaker, Prof.(Dr.) Barkha Bahl, Director, TIPS. After a brief introductory talk on the purpose and objectives of organizing the session, the speaker started sharing her thoughts on various aspects related to today’s title topic. She explained how achieving an organization’s objectives are totally dependent on its employees. Maintaining work ethics at the work place, following the norms & guidelines as specified by the organization’s rule book and be professional at all stages during the course of their stay in the organization plays a vital role in the growth of the organization as well as of the individual concern. According to her, being professional at work place is attributed by many qualities such as trustworthy, sincerity, punctuality, confidentiality, honesty, accountability, loyalty, respectful, etc. While in a team, it is her advice that communication should be kept open for any suggestions and for more inputs to aid performance enhancement. Impartiality and objectivity are also other aspects that every employee should strive for while dealing with people, whether it is a colleague or a student or any stakeholder of the organization. Director ma’am encouraged the attendees to be fully committed to the tasks assigned, in a reliable, responsive and efficient manner avoiding potential and apparent conflicts of interest. In this context, she also reminds the gathering that all should act in an accountable for their actions in terms of use of resources and financial dealings. The additional aspect to be kept in mind is that one should continue to upgrade professional competence to meet changing needs of family and communities. In continuation, she maintained that everyone in the TIPS family should adhere to the highest standards of professional conduct.
Director ma’am highlighted the fact that each TIPS family member should maintain transparency while working in a team as a team member. She opines that everyone should maintain positive attitude towards their work as well as colleagues. If there are any issues during the course of performing their duties & responsibilities, employees should approach their immediate heads in the hierarchy.
One of the most important point director ma’am reminded everyone present in the session was that everyone in the TIPS family is responsible for maintaining a healthy working environment, because it guarantees quality output, increases work efficiency- which, after all, is a good reflection of a professional behavior of every member in the environment.
In addition to all the above, director ma’am attracted the attention of every member with numerous important points- some of them are: assigned duty and responsibility to complete on time with the expected quality (not for name sake), faculties to go to classroom with proper preparation for the topic of the day, developing and imbibing in the culture of patriotic thought in the minds of students for their duty, responsibility, contribution for the growth of the nation, and nation building, etc. Also she elucidated that education for the student means making them good and responsible human beings with values and ethics. This way they can work towards the growth of the society and, of course, in the larger interests of the nation.
One last but not the least point director ma’am pointed out was that TIPS encourages every member to innovate in their respective clubs, societies, or team where they are associated with, and thereby promoting decentralized and participatory culture in the organization. She also emphasized on the role of students in making an event/activity successful in terms of its planning, organizing, execution, and, of course, taking feedback from them about the activity. Thereby she advised every committee to involve students in organizing their respective events.
With a note that TIPS believes in “with the growth of institute employees also grow”, the session ended with a photo session of speaker- director mam & all the attendees present there.

A session on Entrepreneurship: Challenges & Opportunities
Management & Commerce Department under the aegis of IQAC, organized a session on Entrepreneurship: Challenges & Opportunities on Thursday, 9th June 2022 for the BBA I Year(G) students of second shift. The speaker of the session was Prof. Yogendra Kataria. He started the session explaining the difference between Entrepreneur and Businessman. He also shared the latest examples of entrepreneurs to develop the interest of students in entrepreneurship. He explained about the Challenges, Risks, Benefits and required Skills of becoming an 'Entrepreneur. Indeed, the session was insightful and eye-opener for the students.

Workshop on 3D Modeling using Sketch-Up
The Designing Club of CS & IT Department of Trinity Institute of Professional Studies has organized a workshop on “3D Modeling using Sketch-Up” for BCA 2nd Semester students on 6th June 2022 from 12:00 PM to 2:00PM. The aim of the workshop was to acquaint the students with the basic idea and knowledge about 3D designing. The 3D tool Sketch-Up was introduced to make the students aware of the x, y and z coordinates which are essential for 3-dimensional designing. The event was very nicely handled by the designing core team members: Aditya Singh and Kandarp Kumar Thakur, BCA 4th semester students. They discussed 3D modeling, 3D animation, and various types of Sketch–Up tools. They also demonstrated step by step how to design a building using sketch-up which was followed by the participants. The duration of the session was about 2 hours and 47 students participated enthusiastically. The session was concluded by the Director Ma’am, she appreciated and acknowledged the students for their knowledge and skills

Mock Press Conference
Students of Department of Journalism and Mass communication of Trinity Institute of Professional Studies organised a Mock Press Conference on Movie Launch: 49 Track to Everest. 49 Track to Everest is a story of Arunima Sinha — First Woman Amputee to Climb Mount Everest. Message of the Movie-This is to deliver a strong message to everyone that no matter how worse the situation is, life goes on and one should not lose hope and do what they want to do regardless. The objective of the mock press conference was to give students a practical exposure of how press conferences are organised and managed by the PR team for their clients.
Students as Spokespersons of the Press Conference
Purnima Chhabra starring as Arunima Sinha, Devarshi Chaturvedi, Director, Utkarsh Kumar Pal, Producer, Ayushi Hans, Music Director, Bhavy Jain, NGO Person, Anjali Jangra, Script writer, Mitali Adhikary, Real Arunima Sinha
Pixclusive ‘22

Pixclusive was a photo exhibition-based competition, organized by Frames society in collaboration with BAJMC department on 7th March 2022 in the multipurpose hall of Trinity institute of professional studies.
In this event, the students from various colleges of IP and DU participated by sending their entries based on the themes which included- Monuments, vintage, urban, and street. There were more than 200 entries. As the Chief Guest Mr.Vinay Shankar arrived, the event started with the ribbon-cutting ceremony, he were also felicitated by the faculty and event managers. Along with it, the he shared his experience with the students along with Director ma'am DR. Barkha Bahl and the alumni Mr.Aman Bakshi. ,Chairperson Dr. RK Tandon and Ms.Reema Tandon. After the ceremony was over the participants were made aware of the rules and regulations of PIXCLUSIVE. With this, all the chief guests took a walk around all the pictures and appreciated the hardwork put into the exhibition. After taking a look at each and every picture announcements were made regarding the winners of PIXCLUSIVE 22 with a special mention. The trophies were handed to the respected winners. With the announcements of the winner of the event, Chairperson Dr. RK Tandon addressed and congratulated the winners as well as the participants. The faculty and the event managers of TIPS Mr. Sahil Dhall , Mr.Ajay Kumar, and Mr. Tapanshu Kul applauded the guests for giving their valuable time to the students and they also invited the event team for a group photograph. The event was a great success and it was not possible without the hard work, efforts, and creative minds of students as well as without the contribution of the faculty. Great teamspirit was shown by each and every member who was part of this event.
In this event, the students from various colleges of IP and DU participated by sending their entries based on the themes which included- Monuments, vintage, urban, and street. There were more than 200 entries. As the Chief Guest Mr.Vinay Shankar arrived, the event started with the ribbon-cutting ceremony, he were also felicitated by the faculty and event managers. Along with it, the he shared his experience with the students along with Director ma'am DR. Barkha Bahl and the alumni Mr.Aman Bakshi. ,Chairperson Dr. RK Tandon and Ms.Reema Tandon. After the ceremony was over the participants were made aware of the rules and regulations of PIXCLUSIVE. With this, all the chief guests took a walk around all the pictures and appreciated the hardwork put into the exhibition. After taking a look at each and every picture announcements were made regarding the winners of PIXCLUSIVE 22 with a special mention. The trophies were handed to the respected winners. With the announcements of the winner of the event, Chairperson Dr. RK Tandon addressed and congratulated the winners as well as the participants. The faculty and the event managers of TIPS Mr. Sahil Dhall , Mr.Ajay Kumar, and Mr. Tapanshu Kul applauded the guests for giving their valuable time to the students and they also invited the event team for a group photograph. The event was a great success and it was not possible without the hard work, efforts, and creative minds of students as well as without the contribution of the faculty. Great teamspirit was shown by each and every member who was part of this event.
NSS Cell of Trinity Institute of Professional studies under the aegis of IQAC organised a workshop on ' Psychosocial Skills for handling Covid Pandemic' on 30th June 2021 via Zoom. The speaker was Ms. Neha Dagar, MGNCRE, Ministry of Education, Govt of India.
Campus Ready Program

Campus Ready Program (7th June’21-11thJune’21): Department of CS & IT organized a 5-days Campus Ready Program for the students of all the departments in collaboration with Upto Skills. The program commenced on, 7th June 2021 and ended on 11th June. Mr. Gaurank Satam, Senior Communication Coach, Microland Ltd, Pune was the speaker of all five days. During the five days of the program, Students have learned various interview skills like self-awareness, body language, effective resume writing. The speaker had also explained that how to overcome and handle the interview rejections. The overall motive of the session was to prepare students campus ready. During the session, the speaker covered every aspects and skill a student is required to be successful in any interview. The session was quite interactive. He has shared informative clips and quizzes from time to time.
Learning Outcome: Students got an insight into the various topic that is of utmost importance from the placements perspective like interview skills, impression building, self-confidence, resume related queries, email etiquettes, time management, business English vs casual English and many more pertinent topics.
Report on Workshop- “Hardware and Networking”

CS & IT Department organized a workshop in a blended mode, a few students of BCA 1st semester have attended it in a physical mode and rest all have joined via zoom on the topic “Hardware and Networking” on 20th March, 2021 from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM. The programme commenced with a welcome address by Ankita Kumari, First year, BCA student, TIPS, GGSIPU. The session was addressed by Mr. Abhishek Madan, Alumni, BCA (2017-2020) Batch. He is currently associated with Rackspace as a cloud Engineer. The session commenced with the glimpses of variants of hardware. Afterwards, hardware of the CPU and all its components viz. hard disk and motherboard, fans and keyboard were shown and explained. Later, the speaker thoroughly explained the motherboard with all the circuits, ports and pins in it. The students were also told about the various fields in this course which they can opt further. The session was very informative. Students were enthralled by the speaker's knowledge in his domain. The session concluded with a formal vote of thanks by Ms. Ritika Kapoor, Assistant Professor, BCA Department. The guest lecture turned out to be highly enriching for the attendees.
Learning outcome: The workshop was very fruitful for the students as the speaker emphasised on imparting practical aspects by demonstrating all the hardware devices starting from cables, fans, motherboard, etc. The students could relate and understand about all the hardware and networking devices. They also learnt about how to configure the hardware.
How to make First impression Powerful
The Department of Management & Commerce of Trinity Dwarka organized a Workshop on “How to make First impression Powerful” under the aegis of IQAC, for the students of BBA & B. Com(Hons). Mr. Sunil Dutt, Senior Regional Head, T.I.M.E.explained about Personal Attributes,self-appraisal, and self development. Students were benefitted through the workshop and got their various doubts clarified for the overall personality grooming.
The department of management and Commerce of Trinity Dwarka organized virtual powerpoint competition UNIBUDGET 2021. The session was inaugurated by CA Amit Kumar Gupta with his knowledgeable insights about the Union Budget 2021. The students presented their views on the various aspects of the budget. Overall it was a great learning experience for everyone. The 3 prize winners were presented with certificates: First Prize: Muskan Sharma , Yamini Bhargav, Aditya Sharma and Reema Sheikh(B. Com) Second Prize: Jahnvi Singh,Harsh Devgan, Rohan Arora, Ritika Rana and Mayank Sharma ( BBA) Third Prize:Aditya Kapoor (B. Com)
Self Defense Workshop

To prepare students to be self reliant the IQAC Cell at Trinity Dwarka successfully conducted the first session of the Self-Defense Workshop on 15th January 2021 . The interactive online session was conducted under the guidance of NSG Commando & Paratrooper Mr. Pardeep Hooda along with Mr. Gaurav Solanki. The students were demonstrated about various grips and techniques to defend themselves. More than 90 students attended the first session of the 15 days workshop with great enthusiasm
International day of elimination of violence against women
An online one day workshop was organised by Trinity Legal Aid Society virtually on the occasion of "International day of elimination of violence against women" on 25th November,2020 by Ms. Himanjali Gautam, Advocate, Supreme Court Of India and a Social Activist. Which was attended by the students of law department as well as outside students.Overall it was an enriching experience for the students as it was quite an interactive session and the resource person provided indepth information regarding the legal rights of the women's.
Resume Building Skills
Career oriented Session on "Resume Building Skills" was conducted for students of Trinity Institute of Professional Studies on 12th November by Mr Rajat Vashista, a start up professional from Resumod. Mr Vashista guided students on how to write effective resume and also emphasized on different skill sets.
Resume Building Skills
Career oriented Session on "Resume Building Skills" was conducted for students of Trinity Institute of Professional Studies on 12th November by Mr Rajat Vashista, a start up professional from Resumod. Mr Vashista guided students on how to write effective resume and also emphasized on different skill sets.
The Law Department of Trinity Institute of Professional Studies organised Two Day Para-legal Volunteer Training Programme in collaboration with Delhi State Legal Services Authority under the aegis of IQAC on 27th-28th February. Various sessions were taken by eminent judges and other dignitaries which turned out to be highly enriching and enabled the students to become certified para-legal volunteers
The Law Department of Trinity Institute of Professional Studies organised Two Day Para-legal Volunteer Training Programme in collaboration with Delhi State Legal Services Authority under the aegis of IQAC on 27th-28th February. Various sessions were taken by eminent judges and other dignitaries which turned out to be highly enriching and enabled the students to become certified para-legal volunteers
Moot Court Skill Development Workshop 2019

The Law Department of Trinity Institute of Professional Studies (TIPS), Dwarka affiliated to G.G.S.I.P.U, organized a Moot Court Skill Development Workshop 2019 under the aegis of IQAC. The Chief Guest of the event was Ms. Sana Malik, Advocate at The Supreme Court of India. She was felicitated with a bouquet and a memento by Dr. K.K.Geetha, Director cum Principal of Law Department. Dr. K.K. Geetha commenced the opening of the event, welcoming the guests and faculties. In her speech, she introduced the honorable guest with her flawless achievements in both academic as well as professional life. She also emphasized on the importance of such a workshop for law students, since it helps to provide an insight on the pragmatic aspects of effective mooting. The Guest of Honor, Ms. Sana Malik, briefly introduced the topic by asking questions from students regarding the basic definition of mooting. Through an elaborate power point presentation, she explained the various aspects of participating in a moot court competition by focusing on the major concerns such as how to moot, why to moot and what are the ways which can help to score well in a moot court competition. The second part of the presentation highlighted a detailed analysis of an effective sample moot court memorial as well as discussion on sample moot problems which made the session more interactive.The lecture was very informative and enriching as it imparted critical insights to everyone present. It was followed by Q and A session which proved to be quite thought provoking for the students as well as the faculty members. The event concluded with a vote of thanks given by Ms. Ishmeet Kaur Taluja, Assistant Professor, Law Department followed by the national anthem. The session was highly enriching and proved to be quite successful in imparting valuable knowledge to the students.
Sexual Harassment of Women in Workplace
Trinity Institute of Professional Studies (TIPS), Dwarka affiliated to GGSIPU, organized a workshop putting light on Sexual Harassment of Women in Workplace on 23rdFebruary, 2019. The ceremony began with the procession with dignitaries and faculties entering the auditorium.The Chief Guest of the event Shri Jagmohan Singh, Hon’ble Judge Dwarka Court and Secretary, DLSA (District Legal Services Authority, South West) was felicitated with bouquet and Memento by the Dr. R.K. Tandon, Chairman, Prof. H.P. Garg, Director General and Prof. Dr. K.K.Geetha, Director of Law Department (TIPS), Dr. R.K. Tandon, Chairman declared the opening of the workshop and addressed the gathering, welcoming all guests and faculties. He said sexual harassment is serious factors that render women at workplace. He addressed the issue of gender equality and women empowerment. He stated that educational Institutions are the temple of learning, and no act of sexual harassment should be tolerated. He also emphasized on identifying false cases of such nature which are taking place in the society due to selfish interest.The students of Law department presented a small skit on sexual harassment at work place. The Chief Guest of the workshop, Shri Jagmohan Singh, exhibited a visual and audio representation on ‘Legal Services-Access to Justice for All’. He proceeded with a few words on article 39A of the Constitution of India which provides Equal Justice and Free legal Aid to all. After that, the Director of Law department, Dr.K.K. Geetha gave a brief introduction to sexual harassment of women at Workplace Act, 2013, explaining Vishakha guidelines, other Judicial Pronouncements and overview of POSH Act, 2013. Justice Jagmohan introduced the audience to Ms. Esha Arora, Panel Legal Counsel of DLSA, Dwarka, for their queries and concerns.It was followed by a small interaction and discussion session taken by Hon’ble Judge Shri Jagmohan Singh held between the guests, faculties and students which immensely helped in increasing the knowledge of the audience regarding legal rights. The event was concluded with a vote of thanks given by Prof. H.P. Garg, Director General of TIPS, followed by departure of procession from the auditorium.

CS & IT department has organized a Technical paper presentation competition on 29th March 2019. Participants got to know how to design and develop presentations which improves their soft skills by participating in Technical Paper presentation competition which will eventually boost their knowledge and encourage them in IT related activities in future. In this 12 teams has participated. Students gave presentation on latest topics like Cyber Security, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality.
A One Day Workshop was organized by the School of Law and Legal Studies of Trinity Institute of Professional Studies on the topic “Legal Aid and Access to Justice” on 2nd February, 2019. The Guest Of Honour was Mr.Varun Pathak, Consultant, Ministry of Women and Child Development. The session on “Functioning of Legal Aid Centres in Law Schools” was handled by Prof.(Dr.) K.K. Geetha, Director, Law, TIPS. Legal Aid is a fundamental right in all cases which ensures a person’s right during the time of court cases and the government shall be held liable to entertain such a problem and provide the individual with a lawyer who would work for free. Prof.(Dr.) K.K. Geetha also helped imply tracing the history of legal aid, which came into being in the year 1987 due to the efforts put in by Honourable Justice Bhagwati and Justice Iyer. She also then addressed the students about the need of community service, which could help the poor and needy of our country and would definitely help in the development of a good nation. The second session of the workshop was taken up by Mr.Varun Pathak, which really helped the law students know the link between society and law and, how law help us in the development and well being of a society. His lecture was on “Legal Aid and Access to Justice, With Special Emphasis on Child Protection”. He made the attendees aware about how there are hundreds and millions of cases of rape, abduction, murder, prostitution, etc. every year and only tens or thousands of them are reported each year, constituting just half the real figures. He tried to make it a really interactive session through the medium of graphs and may other visuals in his presentation, which was really a remarkable part of his prestigious conclave. The Workshop was attended by students of the Law Department and all the faculties. It was a great success.
A One Day Workshop was conducted by Mr. Satendra Kumar, Manupatra Trainer at the Moot Court Hall on 30th Jan’ 2019 aiming to provide an intense training on the usage of the Online Legal Data Base Manupatra for the students and the faculty of Law Deprtament, TIPS. Manupatra, India’s premier legal information resource since 2011 is the largest content aggregator of Indian and International material, linking Primary Information, secondary material and proprietary analytical content. Over the years, Manupatra has reinvented legal research by including intuitive and smarter legal research tools, thus strengthening lawyer’s practice. Simply put, they make research simple, relevant and fast. Further, the use of the website and its facilities and features were explained and directions were given on how to use to the site efficiently. Mr.Satendar helped the students understand Manupatra website in detail. He explained the ways the website has made research easier for the lawyers. At the click of a mouse the lawyers are able to search for any case of the High Courts and Supreme Courts by using even a single word from the judgement. He explained the students by giving a practical session. He also attended the students’ queries very patiently. The session helped the students to understand the site better to be able to use it extensively in future. Speaking of the occasion, Prof.(Dr.) K. K. Geetha, Director, Law, TIPS said “With the learning, there is a strong need of unlearning, relearning how to teach the new generation students in this highly technological world. Teachers in this liquid society must be ‘a meddler in the middle’ and the process of teaching is mutual learning for both teachers and students. We should move from the attitude of ‘I do, you do’ to an effective and inclusive approach of ‘we do’.” The session was also graced by the presence of Dr. H. P. Garg, Director - General, TIPS along with Dr, Vikas RaoVadi, Director, TIPS. They too were enlightened and amazed to attend the workshop.